My Reflections


Cuando necesitas esperanza

Dios está contigo

Cuando te sientes solo

Dios está contigo

Cuando tienes miedo

Dios está contigo

Pero cuando la vida es más difícil

Es cuando Dios muestra aún más su amor . . .

A tu lado, abrazándote y recordándote siempre que Él nunca te abandonará.

©️Rachel Basden December 11, 2023


When you need hope

God is with you

When you feel alone

God is with you

When you’re scared

God is with you

But when life is more difficult

It is when God shows his love even more . . .

By your side, holding you and always reminding you that He will never abandon you.

©️Rachel Basden December 11, 2023

I am Puerto Rican and speak and write in English & Spanish. This is my first poem written fully in Spanish (my first language) and English.

Soy puertorriqueña y hablo y escribo en inglés y español. Este es mi primer poema escrito íntegramente en español (mi primer idioma) y inglés.

MY BLOG POSTS, My Reflections

FATHER’S DAY: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

From the day that my parents got pregnant with me, they were both excited. The photos I’ve seen show that to be true, but more than that, as I grew through the years my dad set so many great examples in my life. While no dad is perfect, as I became an adult, I learned that most parents try to do their best. Especially now, I have a relationship with him that is more like the times that I’ve always cherished the most.

My dad and I love talking with other people. We thrive on engaging with others and both of us love and respect people. So, since as long as I can remember, I have loved the times when my dad spent time talking with me. He was so good sharing with me when I had questions, and trust me when I say I had A LOT of questions. No matter what, he ALWAYS stopped what he might be doing to chat with me.

Often, after we were close to the end of family dinner, I would ask him deep questions ever since I was young. I often asked him about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, all sorts of parts of the Bible, and also about the horrible things that exist in the world. What often happened next was that my dad would respond to every part of what I asked, and he always showed me the scriptures to read over, to think about and to come back and let me know what I thought. While you may think the conversations were easy . . . they were not.

My dad and I would stay at that table or sometimes shift over to the living room, talking for literally 3 to 4 hours. This made me feel loved, seen, heard and cherished. However, it wouldn’t be until my adulthood and even more so when I became a parent that I realized how many nights my dad must have stopped for hours when he might have been exhausted. He never brushed me off to take care of other things, when I wanted to have a conversation. If that wasn’t enough, my dad and I would often walk by the marina by where we lived and walk by the ocean and the pathways, people watching, enjoying the weather and talk, talk, talk about whatever he or I had on our minds.

Now, I cherish my conversations with him even more, and I don’t think we ever stop talking less than an hour each time. I love how similar we can be in that way and how much we have in common. My dad has always helped me to gain so much wisdom about following God and why, not just by what I asked, but he’s always been an open book. That made me see our Creator as the best God ever, which He is, and even when life has been difficult I know that my dad and I can discuss anything. All of that is also why I love the Lord so very much, trust Him completely and will discuss with him every day. Thanks Dad!

My dad, as well as my mom, grew up poor and wanted more in life as adults. More importantly, that meant talking a lot whether it was difficult or not. Sometimes I had to get through to my dad or he had to get through to me, but eventually we get there. While I knew that when my grandpa was on this side of Heaven, my dad’s father and he would talk on the phone or whenever he was available in person. Maybe my dad learned that from his father, but whatever he learned from grandpa or from his experiences, talking things out is something I truly cherish with others.

Now, I started this part about my parents being poor. The benefits of that to me and my sister were many. My parents always did everything they could for us, no matter what, to the best of their abilities. We lived in an apartment that was safe with a good school, and then, my dad was able to get us a house by the beach in another state and we loved living there. Owning a house was something that took sacrifice in so many ways for him, but he did that, for all of us.

I know that my dad learned sacrificing as he grew up, but I’m so glad that he does that. His sacrifices confirmed even more why God sacrificed His Son so we could live with Him in Heaven and have Him with us, while we are here. While I know that many people struggle with even the concept of God, my dad and I both love to read the Bible, books about the Lord and all the various parts that impact our lives, but Jesus was sacrificed for our own salvation. My dad has had to train me in so many ways that had to be a sacrifice when it was hard on me, but if it wasn’t for what my dad has done in my life, I wouldn’t be the person that I am . . . a woman of strength, convictions, love, wise, and so much more. Thanks, Dad!

As a family, since my parents hadn’t gone on vacations growing up, we had amazing summers. Life was always fun during that season while at home, but every summer we went on vacations. Sometimes it was close by and often it was also far away. Almost always we drove and camped, while we went to most of the east coast and other states beyond.

Little did I know how much sacrifice was a part of those times, when my dad was the bread winner and we went on amazing vacations: Hershey Park, Disney World, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, several countries in Canada, and every place we traveled to were so fun. Later, I realized that camping was my dad’s way of saving money to go to places so we could experience trips that he and my mom never got to see and do, and we loved camping. It was always an adventure, meeting so many new people and so many locations of beauty and information, as well as learning how different people talk from state to state. I don’t remember ever not having a vacation each summer and to this day, I know what a gift that is.

Another part of the family life was that music and dancing have always been a part of our Puerto Rican culture. So, when it was time to wake up, I still remember my dad waking me up with the song, “Rise, and shine and give God the glory, glory! Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory! Rise and shine, and give God the glory, glory! Children, of the Lord!” By the end of that, we were definitely up and out of bed, though sometimes he had to do a 2nd round.

I loved watching him dance with my mom in the kitchen. I loved the music playing in our home and when we were outside our home. My dad has always been a great singer, as is my sister and me and having that commonality has made me so thankful for music, especially with how it impact others and definitely me. Thanks, Dad!

My dad and I have had so many great times and we still do, even though we are miles apart. However, that has always taken a lot of grace. Since we are Christians, we understand the purpose of grace and how much God gives every person in life grace, even when they don’t want to believe He exists. However, my dad taught me about grace so many times with who he is and I’ve learned grace, from both my dad and my Heavenly Father. There will be hard times. There will be scary times. There will be hateful times. However, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and a HUGE HEAP OF GRACE always is what I try to give as I’ve seen my dad do the hard things including giving grace and even admitting his own issues, as we all have. But, what I love the most about my dad is that he’s always real, always true and always loving to a fault. Thanks, Dad!

It’s also how I am who I am, in addition to following the Lord’s ways. While there are so many hard things in this world, I cherish having my dad around for as long as he lives. While he and I love sharing the great things we can enjoy in this word, as well, I’m also grateful he is my dad.

I know that you sacrificed when I had to do the hard things on my own. Thank You!

I know that I love family, whether by birth or by meeting people I am meant to call “framily” (friends/family), and I love first whenever I possibly can.

I am also still learning about grace, but I’m doing my best. May I always try my best and hopefully be understood in my attempts.

Dad, keep loving others as you do and always learning like we both do. Keep enjoying life to the fullest, and know that having you in my life has been and always will be a gift to me. ❤️ Father’s Day! Te quiero mucho! ❤️

MY BLOG POSTS, My Reflections, Poetry


The storm was coming
As clouds grew dark
And ominous shadows
Played games with our hearts.

As the procession came
With a mix of anger and cries
And our dear Lord
Carried the world in His eyes.

As His surroundings
Seemed to melt away
All He could see
Were the souls who’d be saved.

While others shrieked and agonized
Knowing our Lord would soon die
He bore on with single purpose
For the sake of our lives.

All around us
Many cheered
As the Son of God
Slowly drew near.

We could not believe
That this was the end
But in the depths of His heart
He saw amber dawn ahead.

Hours moved on
In a sickenly . . . slowness
While He bore the pain
That rightly belonged to us.

As all we could see
Was the darkness and pain
Yet, His eyes showed no doubt
Amber dawn would rise again.

While the pains of the moment
Were clouding our hearts
We simply couldn’t bear
That from us He must part.

As the thunder roared
And the curtain was split
In the depths of our souls
We knew this was it.

The time had come
As the very earth shuttered
And we heard from His lips
The last words He would utter.

Before darkness descended
Both around and within
How could we know
That amber dawn would rise again?

And on that third day
While we were unaware
Amber dawn began to rise
Swiftly filling the air
Bringing with it
The hope of a new day
As our Savior arose
Taking the darkness away.

For the light of the amber dawn
Had become increasingly bright
As it ushered in the Lord
And Savior of our lives.

Now never again
Would we need to live in fear
For amber dawn would remind us
That He is always near.

By Rachel Basden ©️ Original Version 1999 & Revised in 2023

Photo By Rachel Basden ©️ 2023

My Reflections


Lord, you’re always so close, no matter where I am

Whatever are the circumstances . . .

You guide me,

You love me,

You correct me

And you mold me.

You order my steps

You speak to me always

And speak through me for Your glory

You show me how to love You

How to love myself and others

                  And how to love the unseen. 

This stage in my life has taught me

What really matters and why

Eyes to see and ears to hear

That you are my Center

My community is a great gift 

And as long as I have . . .

I’ll never stop believing in miracles.

️By Rachel Basden ©️ 2022

No matter if you believe in God or not, you are truly, perfectly loved, no matter your circumstances.
We won’t always feel that way, but God never stops showing us that He loves us.
MY BLOG POSTS, My Reflections, Poetry


Within the darkness, God’s love within us shines brighter.

We thrive in the midst of cracks that life sends our way
For when it is truly dark, our light still remains
To see us through the hard times, the sad times and the pain
As we allow God to further grow us into the beauty that He’s made.

Just as a child comes into the world, often starting with a cry
It is often our struggles that truly make us thrive
For when we are pushed beyond what it is that we desire
It’s then that what’s within us starts truly turning into a fire.

One that ignites justice
One that brings warmth
One that allows others to gather and to be close
One that provides a source to guide us along the way
One that reminds us that our light has something to say
One that speaks louder when so much may seem dark
One that draws us to singing around the glory of its sparks
For as the fire grows, we see the cracks for what they are
They are there to let us know that God is never far
The light that’s within was never meant to be kept small
For we are meant to BE LOVE in the darkness most of all.

By Rachel Basden © 2021

SOURCE: YouVersion App

MY BLOG POSTS, My Reflections, Poetry


No matter who we are

What we’ve done

Mistakes we’ve made

Even if we try to outrun

So many plans

That were tailor made

Till we take that step

And finally start to trust

As faith begins to grow

Doubts get pushed away

Letting the light flow

As the Lord leads the way

For His love is always there

He would never leave us alone

No matter what’s been done

No matter if we’ve roamed

His grace is in strong supply

It is us He’s so proud of

Willingly given for He’s love

He will never steer us wrong

For that is why Christ died

To give us what we need

Not having to live in darkness

In His light we can finally see

We are favored, we are loved

Talk to Him; He is always there

And will never steer us wrong

With God, He always cares

No matter what has happened

His forgiveness is always strong

Even if we’ve turned our backs on Him

With God we’ll always belong

For this is His gift of grace

Perfection is not what He ever seeks

He’ll always accept us as we are

In Him we are truly free.

By Rachel Basden © 2021

“God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” EPHESIANS 2:8
My Reflections

And Relax . . .

If 2020-2021 has taught me anything it has most taught me the necessity to relax. With so much happening that none of us were expecting, I learned to value time with those I love, respect and enjoy being around.

It’s also so important to enjoy some time with yourself doing what brings you joy.

I learned that some things I once viewed as necessary may not have been so important. This also helped me to find more balance in my life, with personal life, work life and my spiritual life. When one part overwhelms the others exponentially, the equation of our lives can lose focus.

Spending time doing nothing, alone or with others, is not a waste of time. I have found a lot of calmness, peace and time to think more clearly in those moments. Relaxing is not a bad use of time. It provides us with more time.

Taking a break when the weather is especially nice, just because you can.

Laughing, dancing and talking with friends and/or family are some of the best forms of relaxing that I’ve experienced over this past summer. Finding who you need in life helps us to stay healthy, happy and living the lives we are meant to live. It also helps to keep us accountable.

Find your people and relax together just as strongly as you support one another in the other portions of your lives.

Relaxing definitely looks different at various times and can be very different for each of us, but it is so crucial to our mental health. While we should all take care of our physical bodies, this past year has taught us so much of the importance of mental health for all of us. No one is one dimensional. We are multifaceted for a reason.

Whether it’s time to relax or time to work, stay persistent in living a life of balance.

If you need more balance, make it happen. Value yourself. Value others. Make it happen. You may need to start small, or you may be able to drastically change your life immediately, but whatever you do . . . relax.

If you need someone to tell you, it’s a gift to yourself and others when you spend time relaxing. Life is too short, and we all need time to enjoy as much of it as we possibly can.
MY BLOG POSTS, My Reflections, Poetry


Created by YouVersion Bible App

So often, we humans can focus too much on the negatives of life, because they dare to tear us down.

We are thrilled when good things happen in our lives, but we also cling to wanting our lives to be full of good times and peace. While we realistically know that the bad moments are also a part of life, we can’t help but want to avoid the pain that comes along with those times.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” – John 10:10

Every time I read this passage, I’m reminded of God’s mercy to us. Let me explain.

I spent many years of my life with asthma. At times, it was so debilitating. More than once, I came near death. I’ll never forget being asked by a paramedic, weeks after a massive asthma attack who not only treated me, but knew me, “I didn’t want to tell you this in the middle of helping you, but there’s still one thing I don’t understand. On that day, we couldn’t figure out how you were awake, how you were communicating with us [I used body language to get them to give me paper & pen to do this.], how you were even alive. How did you do that?”

I wasn’t certain what he wasn’t telling me, so after asking him what was so unusual about that, he replied, “Everything we had you hooked up to, every one of them showed your oxygen levels were at zero. Not only should you not have been able to communicate with us, but all signs pointed to the fact that you should not have even been conscious, let alone alive!”

That’s when I answered him with, “Well, let me tell you more of my story and my God.” Without Him, without my Lord, that miraculous situation never would have happened. While I don’t know why God used that health situation to occur, my life with Him has shown me over and over and over again, that He is good, that He is love and that His plans are always for our good. I give God glory for using me, even in that time, to touch the life and soul of another for Him.

Something that could have killed me, gave me an even stronger appreciation for being alive.

Since last March, it’s been even harder to avoid the negatives of life. Having lost loved ones and having seen so much grief on various fronts, I am all the more grateful for God who has never left my side. I say all of this as a known optimist, but I am also not naive and have had many situations throughout life that have dared to tear me down many times.

In spite of the ups and down, I still have a passion for life.

Just last week, the world celebrated Easter . . . the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.

While Jesus had disciples who learned and did so much from Him and with Him, prior to Jesus’ death on the cross, they found life much more abundantly in the years they had afterwards. They were able to travel to various locations, preaching the Good News to so many. Miracles occurred again and again. However, their stories cannot be told without also knowing that they each experienced what we would call negatives in life.

While that was so long ago, I can’t help but see that they felt more alive than ever before. How? Because, even after all of my own painful life experiences, God has shown me through all of my life that the great moments in life are that much sweeter. The great moments in life aren’t as powerful, without also knowing the other side. Life is fabulously amazing, because He lives.

Because He lives, the art and beauty of this world and universe exist.

Because He lives, we get to have others to love and to be loved, in return.

Because He lives, we are still in awe when we see an amazing sunrise or sunset, when we hear the laughter of children, when someone says or does just the right thing when we need it most and when we experience the joy of God through it all.

Because He lives, we know the negative parts of life are not all that exist.

Because He lives, we have those who provide healing for the mind and body.

Because He lives, we have churches that remind us that we are meant to live in community, we are here for a purpose and we are wondrously loved and wanted.

Because He lives, we have teachers who spend time helping others to find themselves, to learn, to connect and to find their passions.

Because He lives, we can get back up again after traumas that will forever remind us that life is fragile, but there is still so much abundance of life giving moments ahead for us . . . HOPE.

Because He lives, we live. That’s something to rejoice over.

Life is meant to be fully lived. While trials may come, never forget the joys of being alive.


For while I have breath
I know I am alive
For while I have breath
I enjoy the beauty of life
For while I have breath
I can embrace another
For while I have breath
I am a wife and a mother
For while I have breath
I can sing and dance
For while I have breath
I can take another chance
For while I have breath
I can live my passions
For while I have breath
I can provide compassion
For while I have breath
I can dream great dreams
For while I have breath
I have faith in the unseen
For while I have breath
I can make this world better
For while I have breath
God always holds me together
For every breath that I will ever breathe
I will know I was created
By the King of kings.

By Rachel Basden © 2021

Being alive will always have its heartaches, but one thing I have learned from knowing how quickly one’s breath can be taken from them, is to never take a single inhale/exhale for granted. Never believe that we don’t matter. Never lose sight of hope. For within each breath we take, there are so many moments we are meant to be a part of and wonderful people whose lives are meant to intersect with ours. Every breath is a reminder of life, because He lives.

Don’t allow the hardships of life to tear you down. For we are more than just ourselves. There is purpose. We were made with strength. We were made with love. We were made to live life abundantly.

With every breath, know that you are alive for far greater things and with each breath your breathe you are walking further into your destiny. So never forget how each inhale and exhale matters. YOU MATTER!

My Reflections, Poetry


The Lord is my shepherd

I know His call

For when I was young

He became my ALL

Providing me still pastures when I’ve needed rest

Bringing me to quiet waters, my soul restored the best

Whenever I’ve ever felt alone

His Spirit has guided my way

And through every dark valley

His hope within me has stayed

When I’ve felt like I could break

He’s comforted, loved and held me

Even when enemies were on the attack

He nourished and He blessed me

For His goodness and His love have followed all my days

And one day, I’ll be fully with Him forever and always

But till that day comes, He’s always been near

Till that day comes, He shows me that He’s here

When a pandemic tried to seriously crush my soul

When isolation and loss seemed to take control

Hope still reigned in the songs sung

Hope still reigned with every beautiful rise of the sun

Hope still reigned when justice marched

Hope still reigned as humanity battled on

No matter what’s happened or what will come

I will cling to His promises, every single one.